Dungan noodles.  Lagman or Dungan noodles Dungan vegetable noodles

Dungan noodles. Lagman or Dungan noodles Dungan vegetable noodles

First, let's try to figure out what this lagman is. This is a Central Asian dish. Most likely of Chinese origin. Lagman has Tajik, Uzbek, Dungan and other varieties, which differ from each other in fairly minor variations.

But first, a few words about who the Dungans are. According to Wikipedia, this people live in Kyrgyzstan, in the south of Kazakhstan, in Uzbekistan, and almost 10 million live in China. So it's no surprise that their cuisines are similar.

But back to the lagman. Lagman consists of a meat and vegetable (this is its basis) part - waji and hand-cooked noodles. The latter in lagman always plays the role of the most important distinguishing feature of this dish. In Dungan (or in the so-called "real lagman") only drawn noodles are used, but not rolled or cut noodles. The use of pasta, vermicelli and other industrial pasta in the preparation of lagman will only imitate this dish outwardly, but will completely change its character.

Waju and noodles are cooked separately and then combined into one dish. Lagman is traditionally served in deep kasas rather than simple deep bowls, arranging the layers of this dish alternately: a layer of vaji, a layer of noodles, and on top it is poured with gravy and sprinkled with cilantro and dill.

Now a little about the ingredients that are hardly familiar to everyone. Jusai is a plant of the onion family, which looks like a green onion and has all the properties of both onions and garlic; widely used in Dungan cuisine; and choho is such a special seasoning for lagman.

To cook Dungan lagman, you will need:

meat (beef, lamb) - 0.4 kg
homemade noodles
onions - 3-4 pcs.
paprika - 1-2 pcs.
carrots - 1 pc.
green radish - 1 pc.
tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
jusai - to taste
cilantro or choho - to taste
garlic - to taste
salt, black pepper - to taste
red pepper - to taste

How to cook lagman in Dungan style:

1. The meat is cut into small cubes, and then fried until golden brown (if your meat is harsh, then it will need to be stewed in a small amount of water until it is completely evaporated).
2. Then, along with the meat, the onion is fried. Salt to taste.
3. Cut all the vegetables that we have into strips.
4. Put carrots, peppers, spices, jusai and lastly put the radish (the radish is added last, because if it does not lie on top, then there is every chance that it will be boiled corny).
5. Put 2 tablespoons of tomato paste.
6. I fried all the vegetables over high heat, while stirring them often.
7. Now add water, add salt, pepper, and cook for another 15-20 minutes.
8. If desired, you can add greens.
9. We cook the noodles ourselves. Boiled noodles are kept in boiling water for 1-2 minutes before serving, and then laid out on a plate.

Dungan noodles are the traditional basis for a juicy, dense, satisfying and fragrant lagman. You can not buy it in the store, because cooking at home is not difficult. By the way, you can cook and serve Dungan noodles as an independent dish, supplementing it with sauce, seafood or meat. There are a huge number of variations of recipes that allow you to make this dish. Below is the most common step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Cooking time - 2 hours 30 minutes.

Servings - 6


The recipe for Dungan noodles is very simple. Here are the components we need:

  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tsp

How to cook Dungan noodles at home

  1. The first thing to do is to replace the dough. It is the simplest: based on salt, water and flour. The resulting mass rolls into a ball and is laid aside.

Note! Every 10 minutes, the dough should be kneaded - this will make it softer and softer.

  1. After about 35 minutes, the ball of dough is transferred to a flat plate, the surface of which has previously been oiled. It is very important to roll a lump in it from each side.

  1. The workpiece is divided into 4 equal portions with a sharp knife.

  1. From each piece, you need to manually very carefully make thin strips - “sausages”. They must be gently stretched and rolled out with your fingers.

  1. Each blank is laid out on a plate or tray. But it is very important to grease all sausages with oil. Then the dough needs to rest for about a quarter of an hour.

  1. It remains just to continue stretching the noodles. It needs to be made thinner and thinner. The resulting product is laid out in a spiral on a plate. Plus, do not forget about lubricating the workpieces with vegetable oil.

  1. Dungan noodles are stretched with fingers until they are as thin as possible.
  • Making noodles (chuzma):
  • Break two eggs into a bowl, add one teaspoon of salt and beat with a whisk.
  • Pour one and a half cups of warm boiled water, mix.
  • Sift 700-800 grams of flour into a deep bowl and form a hill, make a recess in the center and pour the egg-water mixture in a thin stream. Mix first with a spoon and then with your hands. You need to knead thoroughly, if necessary, adding flour for 10-15 minutes until the dough stops sticking to your hands and the table. Cover with a bowl and leave to rest for an hour (you can wrap it in cling film).
  • Preparing a solution of baking soda and salt: It is soda that makes the dough elastic, which allows you to pull noodles out of it.
  • Pour about 0.5 cups of water into a bowl and pour 1 teaspoon of salt and 0.5 teaspoon of ordinary baking soda into it and mix until completely dissolved.
  • We wet our hands with a solution, take the dough, knead it and wipe it with a solution, wet our hands again, pull a sausage out of the dough, knead it, not forgetting to periodically moisten our hands with a solution, you yourself will feel when the dough for the lagman becomes stretchy and elastic.
  • We prepare a large dish or spread and grease it well with vegetable oil.
  • We cut the dough into small strips, grease our hands with oil, roll it out and pull out thin sausages from the cut pieces of dough, about the thickness of a finger. We spread it in a spiral from the center onto a dish, not forgetting to generously grease with oil. We do this procedure with all the test. Again, cover with a bowl or cling film and leave to rest for another 20 minutes. Then we begin to stretch the noodles slightly unwinding the strips. First, we stretch each strip to the diameter of a pencil, then slightly unwind it and hit it on the table to the diameter of the rod from a ballpoint pen. We place each elongated noodle separately on the table so that it does not stick together before it starts to boil.
  • Boil in a large amount of salted water for 3-4 minutes (you can cook in parts). Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  • Prepare the sauce (waju):
  • We cut the meat into thin petals, cut all the greens into an oblique cut.
  • We sprinkle the bean pods with spices - red pepper, hojo, star anise, all to taste.
  • Now we heat the oil in a cauldron and fry over high heat in the following sequence:
  • We lay the meat first and begin to stir immediately so that it does not stick to the bottom, salt, since we have it thinly sliced, it will fry quickly, stir fry until the oil becomes transparent, then onion, fry with onions, then garlic arrows, fry for 3 minutes 4, (everything is done by stirring, over high heat), then the tomato, fry well with the tomato, then add the bean pods and the jondo pods and celery, stir fry for 3 minutes, then the bell pepper along with the bitter, at the end the Chinese cabbage cut into squares, all do not interfere for a long time, 5-7 minutes, the vegetables should end up being half crispy.
  • Next, pour boiling water to the level of vegetables (it can be 4-6 cm higher), let it boil, salt to taste and turn it off after 2 minutes. Let it brew for 20 minutes.
  • Separately, boil homemade noodles in salted water until tender. Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  • We spread the noodles in cash desks and pour the sauce, sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  • Enjoy your meal! Yokimli ishtiha!
  • Total cooking time: 3 hours 0 minutes
  • Category:

Lagman is a popular national dish in Central Asian cuisine. There are many recipes for this dish. Each hostess chooses exactly the recipe that suits her best.

But no matter what recipe this dish is prepared for, the main ingredients are vegetables, meat and long noodles. I want to offer you a Dungan lagman recipe.

To prepare this dish, we will need these products:
seven glasses of wheat flour,
half a teaspoon of salt
two eggs,
one and a half kilograms of beef pulp,
two medium sized bell peppers
two medium potatoes
one large onion,
two celery,
one medium sized carrot
one tablespoon of tomato paste,
one tablespoon of soy sauce,
fresh greens,
ten tablespoons of vegetable oil,
five garlic cloves
some white cabbage.

Now we begin to prepare the lagman step by step.

1. First, prepare the basis for the lagman. Add salt, egg and water to the sifted flour. We mix everything. the dough should be tight. Cover the dough with a napkin and let it brew for an hour.

2. We thoroughly wash the beef under running water, dry it with a paper towel and cut into thin slices. We heat the cauldron and fry in vegetable oil over high heat until golden brown. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and fry until cooked.

3. Potatoes, bell peppers, carrots and onions are peeled and also cut into thin slices, like meat pieces. Shred the cabbage finely. Finely chop the peeled garlic cloves. When the meat is completely cooked, add soy sauce, onion, salt and garlic to it. Stir and fry over high heat until the onion disappears.

Then add chopped celery, carrots and sweet peppers. Stir and fry for ten minutes over medium heat. Add cabbage, tomato paste and chopped potatoes. Add water to slightly cover the vegetables. Cook under a closed lid over medium heat until fully cooked.

4. Let's start cooking noodles for the lagman. Put the dough on the table. To get a circle, press down on the dough with your hands. The circle should not be thin and small. Now, with a sharp knife, cut the prepared circle into long strips, the width of which is about two centimeters. Stripes should not be thin. Lubricate each piece with vegetable oil and roll it out so that thick ropes are obtained from them.

5. Now we take a plate and fill it with vegetable oil. Now from the ropes we make circles on plates, but not very thin. After all the noodles are on the plate, we pull them back from the plate, collecting them in a pile. Pull back from the heap. But we do not make very thin. We collect the noodles on the hand and stretch them on the table.